Acupuncture needles are flexible and hair-thin and therefore it doesn't really hurt. Occasionally a pinch may be felt when the needle is inserted (some people describe it as "mosquito bites"). However, to ensure that the needles are eliciting therapeutic effects, acupuncturists will manipulate needles in ways that people may have various feelings such as pressure, heaviness, numbness, tingling, distending, warmth, electric traveling and etc. The treatment itself induces deeper relaxation and it's common that people fall asleep during treatments.
Acupuncture is only one style of therapy within the scope of Chinese Medicine. There are other forms of healing methods we can use to tap into meridian systems to help reaching the therapeutic effects. One example would be Tui-Na, a traditional Chinese acupressure massage apply to specific spots along the meridians.
Usually, it does not. In fact, acupuncture treatments have the capability of stimulating the body for it to promote self-healing. They work well for opening up blockages and in balancing energies among different parts of the body. As a result, a person's body can become more responsive to western medical treatments and procedures, often with the added benefit of reduced side-effects. We keep abreast of developments in western medicine but suggest that you consult your primary care physician to see if any change should be made to your healthcare regime if you decide to receive treatments of acupuncture or prescriptions of Chinese herbs from us.
Acupuncture is extremely safe. It is all-natural, drug free therapy, yielding no side effects just feelings of relaxation and well-being. There is little danger of infection from acupuncture needles because they are sterile, used once, and then discarded.
Yes. In some instances children actually respond more quickly than adults. If your child has an aversion to needles, our acupuncturist may massage the acupuncture points. This is called acupressure or tuina.
The first visit takes between 60 – 90 minutes depending on the complexity of your health concerns and medical history. We first perform a thorough examination on your current and past medical history, and then followed with a treatment.
Follow-up visit usually takes 45 - 60 minutes.
Other therapies, such as moxibustion, tui-na (acupressure) and cupping may be incorporated with the acupuncture treatment; therefore, consequently may lengthen your stay in the clinic.
The total number of treatments needed varies greatly according to the nature and the complexity of the disease and your overall health. Depending on your health issue, we may recommend that you start with 1 to 3 treatments per week. As symptoms gradually improve, the frequency can drop to once a week to every two weeks, or even less than that. After symptoms are completely resolved, some patients choose to return for continued care for maintaining their health.
Qare Wellness
10261 Trademark Street Suite B, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730, United States
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