Congratulations by choosing acupuncture, you’ve taken a great step toward a more balanced, healthy lifestyle. The ancient practices of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have helped millions of people regain and maintain their health.
For the best treatment results, keep a few things in mind:
Once we have gathered enough information, you’ll receive a comprehensive diagnosis and a treatment plan that will explain:
We may include other related therapies in your treatment plan, such as cupping, Gua Sha or moxibustion. Herbal remedies are another important aspect of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and it is important to understand and follow our practitioner’s directions in order to get the most benefit from these treatments.
Your actions are a key component of your treatment plan. Focusing on your health and committing to a healthy lifestyle are the best steps you can take for your well-being. Together, you and our acupuncturist can heal your imbalances and help you achieve harmony and balance. Even after your symptoms are resolved, we can assist you in maintaining your health, and possibly prevent future imbalances. The more you incorporate acupuncture and TCM into your life, the more you’ll learn to nurture your body, mind and spirit.
True healing takes time and dedication. Depending on your current health and symptoms, you could feel better right away, or you may need treatments for weeks, months or years to achieve the results you want. Our acupuncturist can give you an idea of what to expect. With a little patience and an open mind, you’ll be on your way to health and vitality. Acupuncture and TCM offer a safe and effective holistic health care system. This natural approach can both resolve symptoms and enhance your overall health. By taking the right steps and planting the seeds of health, you are on the road to a healthier you!
Initial visits generally last from 60 to 90 minutes. At QARE Wellness Acupuncture, we will take a detailed health history, including your day to day routines and activities to provide you with your unique treatment plan. During your first exam, we will spend time getting to know you and your health concerns. You may be asked a wide range of questions about your symptoms, eating, exercise, sleep habits, emotional states and anything that may offer insight into your health. Our practitioner will also employ diagnostic tools that are unique to acupuncture and TCM such as tongue and pulse diagnosis.
Qare Wellness
10261 Trademark Street Suite B, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730, United States
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